Hi, I'm Raihan.

I am a Computer Science Ph.D. Student at Marquette University. My advisor is Dr. Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Ph.D. and co-advisor is Dr. Samuel Nemanich, Ph.D., MSCI. My research concentrates on neuromotor analysis and rehabilitation technology development using biomedical devices, sensors, and mHealth, particularly upper-limb motor assessment for children with cerebral palsy.

Looking for an internship opportunity to work in data science, machine learning, or big data analytics position.


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Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Degree: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Research Topic: Corticomuscular Coherence (CMC) and Neuromotor Assessment of Upper-Limb Dysfunctions using mHealth and Bio-sensors
Session: Fall 2022 - Present

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Advance Machine Learning
    • Advanced Algorithms
    • Mobile Computing

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Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Degree: BS in Computer Science and Engineering
Session: 2014-2018

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Programing Language
    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Database Management Systems
    • Concrete Mathematics, Calculus, Fourier Analysis, Laplace
    • Algorithm Engineering
    • Artificial Intelligence


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PMNL logo
Graduate Research Assistant
  • Design and developed iPad-based game/task for upper-limb assessment
  • Design experimental protocol and conduct data collection, analysis, and visualization
  • Research on Corticomuscular Coherence and Neuromotor controlling to improve movement skills gradually using mobile app
  • Sensors and EEG data processing, computation and deep learning model development
  • Tools/Technology: iOS, Python, Matlab, EEGWorks, OpenSim, OpenSense, EEGLab, etc.
August 2022 - Present | Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Data Engineer (Remote)
  • Design and develop infrastructure of national clinical data warehouse of Bangladesh
  • Perform ETL, data processing, curation, datamart implementation, and OLAP operations
  • Experiment with latency and performance of big data infrastructure
  • Research and publications
  • Tools/Technology: Python, Hadoop, Superset, PostgresSQL, Flask, Angular
August 2021 - July 2022 | Dhaka, Bangladesh
Research Assistant (Part-Time)
  • Design and develop virtual internship system to benchmark software development team
  • Health Data Analytics vInternship design and mentored 10 interns
  • Experiment, research and development
  • Tools: Python, Django, MongoDB, Javascript
Nov 2018 - July 2020 | Dhaka, Bangladesh
Jr. Software Engineer
  • Design, develop and analyze software solution for financial institutions
  • Build AI-based process automation solution for client
  • Robust and clean coding with documentation
  • Tools: Python, Flask, Java Spring Boot, Scikit-learn, OpenCV, NLTK, MySQL
Nov 2019 - Dec 2020 | Dhaka, Bangladesh



  1. Md Raihan Mia, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Alissa Fial, Samuel Nemanich. (2023). “A Scoping Review on mHealth Technology for Assessment and Evaluation of Upper-Limb Motor Function in Children”. Games for health journal, IF- 3.5 (Under Review)
  2. Sakifa Aktar, Md. Martuza Ahamad, Masud Rabbani, Shiyu Tian, Md Raihan Mia, Velinka Medic, Judy E. Kim, Sheikh Iqbal Ahmed. (2023). “A systematic review on AI: Eye as a Biomarker”. Expert systems with applications, IF-8.5 (Accepted)
  3. Syed Ahmmed, M. Rubaiyat Hossain Mondal, Md Raihan Mia, Abu Sayed Md Latiful Hoque, Mohammad Adibuzzaman, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed (2023) “A Novel Approach For Integrating Machine Learning and String Distance Similarity to Standardize Clinical Laboratory Text Reports”. Heliyon, IF- 3.7 (Accepted)
  4. Md. Jahedul Islam, Md Raihan Mia, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Mohammad Adibuzzaman, and Abu Sayed Md. Latiful Hoque. "Blockchain-based Patient Record Linkage System for Big Data Analytics", IEEE Big Data Conference 2023 (Under Review)
  5. Thareja, S., Yang, X., Mia, M. R., Upama, P. B., Torres, S. P., Coroft, L. J., ... & Whittle, J. (2023). 441 Southeastern Wisconsin Community-Based Participatory Research using the All of Us Researcher Workbench. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 7(s1), 131-131. https://doi.org/10.1017/cts.2023.469
  6. Mia, M. R., Shahriar, H., Valero, M., Sakib, N., Saha, B., Barek, M. A., ... & Ahamed, S. I. (2022). A comparative study on HIPAA technical safeguards assessment of android mHealth applications. Smart Health, 26, 100349. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smhl.2022.100349
  7. Mia, M. R., Hoque, A. S. M. L., Khan, S. I., & Ahamed, S. I. (2022). A privacy-preserving national clinical data warehouse: Architecture and analysis. Smart Health, 23, 100238. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smhl.2021.100238
  8. Ishmam, A. M., Mia, M. R., Purabi, S. A., Rashed, R., Chellappan, S., & Al Islam, A. A. An Integrated Digital Platform for Bridging Gaps between General Public, Donors, and Social Welfare Organizations Working for Street Children in Bangladesh. https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.10504


  1. Mia, M. R., Zahid, A. H., Nath, B. C. D., & Hoque, A. S. M. L. (2020, December). A Conceptual Design of Virtual Internship System to Benchmark Software Development Skills in a Blended Learning Environment. In 2020 23rd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCIT51783.2020.9392670
  2. Mia, M. R., & Hoque, A. S. M. L. (2019, May). Question bank similarity searching system (qb3s) using nlp and information retrieval technique. In 2019 1st International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology (ICASERT) (pp. 1-7). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICASERT.2019.8934449
  3. Ishmam, A. M., Mia, M. R., & Al Islam, A. A. (2017, December). BONDHON: An integrated organization hub for facilitating street children of Bangladesh. In 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC) (pp. 769-772). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/R10-HTC.2017.8289070


  1. Camryn Stasulas, Annika Ward, Brittany Wehausen, Karissa Wennstrom, Md Raihan Mia, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Samuel Nemanich, “Quantification of upper-limb movement using a mobile health iPad application in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy”. American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Annual Meeting, September 10-13, 2023. Chicago, IL. (Presented)
  2. Paramita Basak Upama, Md Raihan Mia, Rumi Ahamed Khan, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed “Future Pandemic Prediction by Monitoring Home & Classroom”. Marquette University-Forward Thinking Competition, 2022. (Presented)
  3. Shovito Barua Soumma, Fahim Shahriar, Md Raihan Mia, Abu Sayed Latiful Haque, “A Privacy-Preserving National Clinical Data Repository for Reinforcing Research and Analysis Background Motivation and Problem Formulation” 2021 8th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS). (Presented)

See my complete publication list on Google Scholar or Semantic Scholar profile

Research & Projects

music streaming app
Motor Skills Learning App

A neuromotor assessment iPad apps

  • Tools: iOS, Python, Django, Matlab, EEGLab, EEGWorks, OpenSim
  • An iPad-based neuromotor tests for upper-limb movement. Target cohort group: Children with Cerebral Palsy
  • Experimental protocol consist of iPad games, EEG device and Muscle IMUs sensors.
  • Data storage and management: deployed in AWS.
quiz app
NCDW Bangladesh

A clinical big data research platform

  • Tools: Python, Flash, Hadoop, Superset, Angular, PostgreSQL
  • Developed Clinical big data infrastructure for research and analytics.
  • Components: Wrapper API-based data integration, ETL pipeline, Central Data Repository, Data marts, and OLAP Engine
  • Data visualization in Superset
  • A Machine learning pipeline for model train, test, and deployment
Screenshot of  web app

A mHealth app security and privacy vulnerability screening platform

  • Contributed to research and design for static and dynamic analysis
  • Experimental data analysis, statistical analysis and validation
  • Research conduction and publications
Screenshot of web app

An Opensource NBA Analytics website with multiple components

  • Tools: Python, Flask
  • An open-source platform
  • My contributions: Implement clustering algorithms with different techniques (e.g., KNN, KMeans)
Screenshot of  web app

Virtual Internship to Connect Industry, University and Intern

  • Tools: Python, Django, Angular, MongoDB
  • Designed the architecture and virtual internship protocol
  • Mentored five members team and review codebase, issues, and solutions
  • Conducted experiment, research and optimization
Screenshot of  web app

A Robotic Process Automation System of Bank Asia Ltd

  • Tools: Python, Javascript
  • Designed and Developed process automation system for Bank Asia Ltd, a client of Era InfoTech Ltd
  • Worked in a team and implemented client requirements
  • Followed Agile Scrum model to deliver software modules
  • Wrote clean, robust and reusable code
Screenshot of  web app
Digital Archive

A Project of Planning Commission, Bangladesh Govt.

  • Designed and developed ETL pipeline
  • Conducted R&D for Bangla OCR
  • Collaborated with Backend and Frontend developers
